Thursday, June 24, 2010

Emigrating to Canada - Still Plenty of Jobs

Despite the gloomy economic outlook for some parts of the world, many parts of Canada are pushing full steam ahead to recruit staff to fill vacant posts. Separate advertisements in one Provincial paper recently set out the following. 1014 Nurses needed, Police officers required, mechanics wanted and so on. I know of a UK trained mechanic who was offered no less than four jobs recently in a small Provincial Town. A couple of the jobs offered were in truck maintenance and the other two in small fabrication workshops.

There have been other vacancies with civil engineering contracting companies needing site managers, engineers and tradesmen. There have been articles recently in the paper concerning the shortage of hospital surgeons covering key posts from Gynecology to Oncology and X Ray staff also. I am aware that a recruitment drive for about 3,500 workers is about to commence to construct two concrete offshore oil platforms, plus support platforms and related vessels in this same Province. The duration of these fabrication projects is about five years, plus maintenance contracts to be released later. You can imagine the array of trades and professions required in these mammoth construction schemes.

Currently, many key workers originating from the smaller Provinces are working away in Alberta, which is growing in the areas of construction, infrastructure and a whole range of sectors as well as the oil industry. Despite these influxes, certain commentators reckon that there will be vacancies for up to 200,000 people in the oil sector alone and despite the recent fall back of crude oil prices. Some Governmental staff in Alberta have actually been beckoning people to come and live and work in Alberta.

Sure you would probably have to go in on a temporary work permit but then you apply for Permanent Residency once there. If you make the effort to obtain a work permit yourself or get some help form a Consultant, you could be emigrating to Canada in well under a year. If you were to apply for permanent Residency and go on "the waiting list" and move out at a point without having a job offer, you could wait three to four years or even longer.

If you wish to emigrate to Canada as soon as possible, start the ball rolling by collecting a package of details about yourself. What can you offer if you are planning to immigrate to canada? What are your skills, experiences and qualifications in relation to the work you normally do? In some instances you do not need much in the way of qualifications as some parts of Canada are short of workers in what are loosely termed 'low skilled' jobs but which never the less are important occupations such as working in the catering, tourism or hotel trades. When you set about looking for work in Canada, prepare a resume in the North American style.

Go on-line to find examples. North American style resumes demand that the candidate highlights his or her attributes strongly. If you are multi lingual highlight it, if you have coaching Diplomas for outside of work activities 'bold it', if you have carried out charitable work and have proof and recognition of it, say so. Obviously College qualifications and membership of trade or professional organizations need to be presented in a vivid manner also. Resumes should be 'bullet pointed' at the start and should usually not be more than two or maybe three pages long in some cases. A resume longer than this will bounce off the bottom of a waste paper basket in a screwed up ball without even being looked at.

If you are looking to immigrate to Canada, a great place, which promises opportunity, stability and freedom, we recommend Canada. We did it and would like to help you too.

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