Monday, June 21, 2010

Civil Engineering and an Online Education Are Natural Partners

When it comes to the various engineering disciplines, civil engineering is the largest. Of the 1.6 million engineers in the U.S., the Bureau of Labor Statistics states 278,000 are civil. The next largest, mechanical, comes in at 238,000. From the looks of things, it will stay that way for some time to come. This is thanks to several initiatives, including boosts to online education, put through by President Obama.

The Bureau defines civil engineers as personnel who design and supervise the construction of roads, buildings, tunnels, bridges, sewage systems and other major construction projects. They must consider many factors in the design process, from the construction costs and the expected lifetime of a project, to government regulations and potential environmental hazards such as earthquakes and hurricanes.

Civil engineering, considered one of the oldest engineering disciplines, encompasses many specialties. The major ones are structural, water resources, construction, transportation, and geotechnical engineering. Many civil engineers hold supervisory or administrative positions, from supervisor of a construction site to city engineer. Others may work in design, construction, research, and teaching.

The Bureau also states that job growth in the civil engineering field is going to be exceptionally higher than average, with an expected need of 24% more than what is currently available by 2018. A major reason for this is a recent stimulus initiative proposed by Obama this January. It projects $10.5 billion that will mainly go towards five different professions; with civil engineering being the first of the five. They will be employed in upgrading and just plain building new roads and other public structures.

Anyone interested in becoming a civil engineer should have a strong inclination towards mathematics, as well as a strong background in the natural sciences. Knowledge of drafting and CAD is basically mandatory. Students should also consider internships or other such work-study programs at private architectural and construction firms, as well as for the government. Another good place for civil engineers to get needed experience is in the military, particularly the U.S. Corp of Engineers.

Even with a Bachelor's Degree, education is only beginning. To become a full civil engineer, one must get certification from a professional organization such as the American Society of Civil Engineers. This society recommends the pre-certified holding down a job and be prepping for certification through online colleges. Once established with an online school, a number of civil engineers tend to continue to keep going in order to keep up to date with the latest trends, as well as move on towards their Masters and even doctoral work.

As civil engineers are a STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) profession, aspiring students have access to a lot more financial aid than just the standard state scholarships and federal Pell grants. They can also contact the National Science Foundation for S-STEM aid for starters. The military and private corporations also have their share of financial aid. For a more complete picture of this, one should consult with a financial aid advisor.

Thanks To : Civil Engineering Forum Civil Engineering Plan of Construction

1 comment:

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